Euro Cup ITA Dongo 2017 - Comer See

Euro Cup ITA Dongo 2017 - Comer See

Euro Cup Italien am Comer See / Dongo Weather forecast was not pretty for the italian EuroCup in Dongo. 14 Mustos from SUI, GER, ITA, CRO and RUS met at the event. Friday was training day. Swiss national class organized (and paid, thank you) a training with rib. Alexander Greil did a great job, coaching the two, beginner and advance group on the water. We will review the photo and video stuff as soon as possible and publish it here. Weather during training, sunny with 10-12kn thermal wind, perfect Dongo condition.

Saturday lot of rain and no wind. Some sailors who had placed the Musto at the beach reported me that the lake rised approximately half a meter during hours. For the first time we had the fantasic italian dinner inside the club because it was to cold outside. Thank you, best club restaurant in europe!

Sunday, winter is comming. Strong northerly wind from the north. Like Lannysters some sailors were not prepaired for the cold, windy and snowy weather and had problems to perform at best. The rest, mostly Starks really enjoyed the gusty conditions from 15-20kn. Best performance did the race committee, sending three races back to back, just before the wind became really shifty and dropped to light wind.

Monday forecast sunny with thermal wind. It didnt delivered and the wind never rised above 1kn. The comittee tried hard but cancelled the day around 15:00. Great food again during the pricegiving. Thank you Bruno, Yaroslav, Pfirters, Bernd, Junis and Cristo for taking the long drive to get to the event.

See you next year with thermal Dongo condition

Nicolas SUI